Collaborative site

How can a collaborative platform be created for our translation work?
The Tau Beta company specializes in the translation of business and legal texts. Its managers would like to have an electronic platform that would deal with both client communication and work organisation.
Type of client
What can Perceval offer?
Perceval sets up an online system that enables:
- clients to connect to their secure client space in order to upload texts to be translated, to check on commissions currently being dealt with, and to look back at their commission history
- Tau Beta supervisors to look at new commissions via their secure supervisor space and to distribute the work between the different translators
- translators, whether they are Tau Beta employees or self employed professionals, to access a secure translators space where they can download the texts that they have been given and upload the translations that they have completed
- supervisors to reread, correct and approve the translations
- clients to receive their translations automatically by email as soon as they have been approved by the supervisors.